Sunday, October 15, 2006

Portnoy's Procrastinated Movie Meme

Julie, I've avoided THIS long enough! So long I feel aged.

1. The last movie you saw in a theatre - Gone With The Wind. It was that or The Philadelphia Story. Did you know that HP was founded in 1939?

2. The last movie you rented/purchased for home viewing. - Have they invented a machine to watch movies on at home? Who would want to watch movies at home?

3. A movie that made you laugh out loud. Courage Under Fire, especially where Lou Diamond Phillips runs to camera in slow mo and says 'she'sssssssss deaddddddddddd.'

4. A movie that made you cry. "My Life As A Dog"

5. A movie that was a darling of the critics, but you didn't think lived up to the hype. - All of them.

6. A movie that you thought was better than the critics. - Payback

7. Favorite animated movie. - All things Miyazaki

8. Favorite Disney Villain. - Michael Eisner

9. Favorite movie musical - Was Schindler's List a Musical?

10. Favorite movies of all-time. - This is the question that prevented me from completing this meme. I still can't answer. See my Reel Film Library in the Sidebar.

And now, I need to tag 5 more people to do this movie meme... Rose I lost your email and am SO glad you came back! You are tagged!

Instead it's Mister Linky! You can do the meme or leave your mark on the fire hydrant....


joaninha said...

It is a very interesting Blog... I'll come as many times as I can

Anonymous said...

Hey what happen to you tagging me. I feel so so cheated. Ahh heck. I'll do the Meme any way. LOL

Anonymous said...

Thank you for tagging me. My answers are up and do take part in my question of the week.

Cullen said...

I shall do this also, I think.

I think you should commit to a favorite movie though.

Jules said...

Well, halle-freakin-luyah, he's finished his movie meme! I can die now.

Anonymous said...

The last movie I saw in theaters was "Meet the Fockers". That shows how much I get out. lol

joaninha said...

Thanks for your words. You are already linked. In the future I'll write also in English (I'm not very good), and then you will read me. Some foreign readers translate my writing but sometimes it’s not the same thing, once feelings can't be translated...
But it’s always a pleasure to know that someone anywhere all over the world is reading our writing…
Best regards

Pedro Silva said...

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