Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Portnoy and the Pong Bitch

At work there is a ping pong table. The guy I play with is called The "Pong Bitch". He played so much on his last movie, and beat everyone doing it, they made a bumper sticker for him. I am out to beat the Pong Bitch into submission. So far I'm at 3 wins 17 losses.

You know I have said I have been mistaken for Richard Gere? Now I want to be mistaken for the player in the background.

Happy ThanksGiving. If you don't celebrate ThanksGiving, or know anything about it - it's a holiday warm up to Christmas where you gather with your relatives and pretend to like each other.


Nikki Neurotic said...

Wow, that is insane! I'd love to learn how to play ping pong like that, would totally shock my ping pong buddy that's for sure.

Cathy said...

"It's a holiday where you pretend to like each other"

LOL...No truer words were ever spoken.

I hope you have a great one.

BTW...I will take you on in a pool match?

ME said...

Good luck with the ping pong. I personally don't have the eye-hand coordination to master it.

Portnoy ... you forgot "and try not to fight like wild banshees" in the Thanksgiving description.

Happy Turkey Day to you, my American friends.

Crashdummie said...

Richard Gere playing ping pong - me likey!

Stacy said...

Amen on the definition of Thanksgiving!

Capri said...

I hope you and your family and friends all had a safe and a Happy Thanksgiving!

SFX said...

Those guys playing ping pong were obviously androids.

Good stuff.

Pat Paulk said...

Haven't played ping pong in years, and never like that. Way to cooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Serena said...

"pretending to like each other" or "being thankful for crap" is bullshit! let us reflect on the real thanksgivng: a holiday in celebration of american obesity!

fat is phat! we're so well to do that even our poverty stricken are 400 lbs! we celebrate america in a true american fashion: stuffing our faces until we explode!

God Bless America! Now lets eat! :D

Zen Wizard said...

That is truly incredible.

Ballpoint Wren said...

Those were some great moves! At least the guy is having fun.

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving, Portnoy! I wish you luck in your quest to become the Pong Bitch! Heh!

jbwritergirl said...

Yo Bitch,

I just want to know what's up with their outfits? Is there really such a thing as a pong uniform, and secondly before you try for the title you'd better try on the shorts first. LOL

Scott Stambler said...

jb - you speak the truth. i watch quite a lot of tennis. and there used to be a commercial advertising ping pong. and how to play like the pros. only 2 white guys were dressed in those 'outfits'. and if you think they look silly on the chinese you ought to see them on the white dudes. i think the shorts are a diversionary tactic. but they look a little gay. (not that there's anything wrong with that....)