Okay I'm going to let you in on a secret about Portnoy. We have all seen people who we could swear is someone we know. We'll walk up to that perfect stranger and say "You look exactly like my friend so and so. I've said I resemble Richard Gere. But what I haven't told you is this: I have 'looked' like Dustin Hoffman, Steven Spielberg and various friends of people usually named Steve or Jim. I am one of those people whose face seems to morph for the beholder.

It goes like this. "Oh my God, you're Dustin Hoffman!" I smile and say, "No.... I'm not." But when it started I'd milk that ellipsis, because being mistaken for a movie star is a very pleasant feeling. Dustin didn't happen constantly but it was fun while he lasted. Some Christmas morning a year or so later I was rushing to the matinee of Woody Allen's new movie, whatever it was. (Just for the stereotype - This is what Jews in Hollywood do: We see Woody Allen movies and eat Chinese food on Christmas Day.) That morning I stopped at the 7-11 for cash. The homeless man looked up and, without adoration said, "Man you look just like Dustin Hoffman." I told him he looked just like Danny Glover. But somehow that homeless man put the kibosh on Dustin and I never heard it again.
Next I went thru the Richard Gere stage. Which never made sense to me. I guess it's the smoldering sensuality (to steal from Woody) and usually it came from the French girls I was hanging out with. (Ah those Frenchies. That's another post.) But at the same time as Gere started I was getting - yep - Spielberg. I preferred Gere in the looks department but would rather have had the Amblin bank balance. And it was confusing. I didn't see a resemblance.
The Spielberg lasted quite a while. Fnally, it got out of hand. I wore glasses, he wore glasses. Spielberg drove a Landcruiser, I drove a Landcruiser. Billy Crystal used to call it the LandJew. "Hey, you gonna drive the LandJew to lunch?" I used to tell Billy my Spielberg moments. Once I was driving in traffic on Beverly. I stopped for a light. Three cars behind me, a beautiful young actress got out of her car, ran up to my side and tossed her headshot into my lap. I had no time to tell her I wasn't Spielberg. (Nor did I want to.)
Another time, on the Warner Bros lot, I found the loveliest handwritten note on my windshield. It said "Dear Mr Spieberg, (note the 'l' was missing) I just wanted to say hello. When I was growing up in China you used to bowl at my Uncle's Bowling Alley. This is when you were making "Empire of the Sun". I wanted to tell you that was a turning point in my life and I am now in USC Filmschool" She left no name, no number.
I held onto that note with the intent of getting it to Spielberg. I had never met him but knew people who worked for him. (Years later I gave the note to Michael Kahn who is Spielberg's long time editor.) In the meantime I showed Crystal and he then started calling me "Mister Spieberg". The problem with working for Billy Crystal was you'd hurt by the end of the day. You'd hurt from laughing. (When comics tell each other to "hurt em" before going on stage it means to Hurt Them from laughing too much.)
Having lunch with Billy Crystal turns heads. The power of adoration is amplified to the number 11. In Los Angeles and New York the unwritten rule (was) you didn't go up and bug these people. You stole glances and whispered and stared. Now the paparazzo has changed all of that. And if you see a star, take your chances but be polite. They are human. (sort of)
We ate at a Sushi place on Sawtelle. Billy Crystal, his editor, the producer, the writer, some more crew people and me. Maybe ten of us at two tables. Yes, it's fun to eat with Crystal because of the... golden light. No telling what you can achieve in that rich and powerful halo. The only thing you need to get used to is - not getting used to it. It's about them, not you. Anyway, we finish the meal. Billy takes off in another car and I'm waiting for the valet to get my 'LandJew.'
While waiting I see a large Israeli man staring at me. He looks to be about 60. But powerful. Like Israeli Intelligence or something. He is big enough to snap me in two and by the looks of him he might want to do that. I can see he sees I'm Spielberg. He walks slowly toward me. No smile. I begin to think I'm in danger. He grabs my hand in both of his so that I can't pull away. He starts to cry and thanks me for making Schindler's List. I try to tell him I'm not Spielberg but he won't let me. I make a quick decision to be Spielberg because that's what he needs. He gives me a bear hug and walks away in tears.
If you're a man of a thousand faces you know what I am talking about. You see us at parties or out in public. We are out there like falling stars. Once I even saw somebody who looked exactly like.... Me.
Technorati Tags:Billy Crystal, Steven Spielberg, Schindler's List, Empire Of The Sun, Dustin Hoffman, Richard Gere, Israeli Intelligence
Come on, admit it...it's all about YOU, isn't it?
Great stuff...
I get mistaken for nobody...never really happens. Only recently I had an ex say I looked like Tim Olyphant from 'Deadwood' during the only 8 months of my life that I've had any facial hair (a goatee)...pretty boring.
I have, on the other hand, been at tables with stars big enough to emmanate that 'golden light' of which you speak. It's an amazing thing to behold...the gawkers eyes lighting up.
You MUST search for and find the homeless man who looks like Danny Glover--and get back the Dustin Hoffman mojo!
You know--like Richard Burton's Roman tribune had to find Jesus' robe in The Robe. Sorta.
Re: Gere--a gerbil joke is on the tip of my tongue so I think just hitting "Publish" would be the better part of valor...
Billy Crystal is one of my all time favorites. his impressions are hilarious.
You're lucky. I constantly get points and stares because I supposedly look like Kevin Smith.
Oh well, I guess I'll take what I can get.
Okay I was really impressed when I saw Richard Gere's picture in my comments. I didn't know he was hanging out around scribbit. :) I love movies and just signed up with Netflix. Thanks for the comment.
Could you be more like ZELIG? hehe.
Anyways, your blog is odd - it's like one giant big piece of name dropping nonsense. Does it make you feel good?
"Oh I was chatting to Billy Crystal... then I had sex with Nicole Kidman then I called up Ron Howard for a chat". It's really not that impressive.
vry nice and funny post and blog!!!!
I wandered in by way of Zen Wizard's comments. Very interesting blog (and the Richard Gere pic got my attention too).
Thanks for taking up for men in backwards baseball caps everywhere. It needed doin'. ;)
Nah, chatting to Billy Crystal while having sex with Nicole Kidman while she was on the phone to Ron Howard would be impressive.
In fact I think I had that dream once.
Got mistaken for GĂ©rard Depardieu once. At a TGI Fridays to make matters worse.
Zen - that Danny Glover guy got 5 bucks from me on the way out. He was the maker and breaker of the mojo. Roddick ought to look him up.
WC - you got a bit of a Eugene Levy thing.
Hammer - once and I hate to admit this. a Korean store clerk gave me the William Shatner. That was the beginning of the end.
Sophmom - the distaste for the backwards hat isn't wholly undeserved. it's akin (but not as disagreeable) as the 50 year old with a pony tail.
Good Dog. I am rolling that image around for a while.... She's so icy... Can we exchange her for.....
JERRY: Hey, guess what? Remember that woman you saw me with the other day? You know, she used to be an Olympic gymnast?
KRAMER: A gymnast!
JERRY: Yeah, she's Romanian, she won a silver at the '84 Olympics.
KRAMER: A gymnast, Jerry. Think of the flexibility. Mmm, that sex'll melt your face.
JERRY: Yeah, well, I think I'm bailing.
KRAMER: (shuts door) "Bailing"?
JERRY: Yeah, you know, Kramer, there's always a price to pay for just a sexual dalliance.
KRAMER: Jerry, you should pay that price.
JERRY: She's Romanian. What am I gonna talk to her about, Ceausescu?
KRAMER: Ch- oo-... what?
GEORGE: (emerging from bathroom, buttoning his shirt) A gymnast! I can't believe it, you didn't tell me she was a gymnast.
Misery And Suffering. Truly, you are The First To Complain
Is this reel?
Mr. Spieberg. Wow. Why did I suddenly hear Peter Lorre saying that:
"Mees-ter Speee-berg."
I'm never going to get that out of my head.
shannon. he pronounced it as SPYBERG.
alex. could i make this up? (i wish)
Interesting! I can't be able to be similar to anyone else. I only look like myself.
I liked your secret about Portnoy and thanks for translate my writing. Cheers!
I get mistaken for non-famous people who are not me. In particular, someone named Elizabeth. When I go to a certain part of town it is inevitable. She's either quite the gal about town or kind of a tramp. I also have a same name on MSN messenger/hotmail who makes my life a living hell. She is definitely a ho.
Portnoy, what you did for the Israeli guy was a good thing. Perception is reality sometimes and he did need you to be Spielberg.
I did publicity for one of the studios for a long time and wrangled a lot of talent. You could always spot who was going to be a problem fan by their eyes. I'm only 5'2" but I am wicked at security.
I don't think Will looks like Levy at all -- Will's cuter. But he does look like someone, I just can't place it right now. It'll come to me.
BTW, Miseryandsuffering, way to live up to your name.
Fair description. Fair exchange.
Only mentioned her because that was what was offered up.
In the early '90s I got Chris Cornell, when I guess was somewhat fair -- hair, light facial hair, very skinny.
And I ALWAYS get the, "Hey do you know who you remind me of ... ?"
"Um, no."
"This guy I new back in (wherever they're from)."
"Uh ... thanks."
"Oh yeah, he's a (great, weird, funny, asshole) just like you."
"Um ... thanks."
No movie stars though.
...you mean the Eugene Levy 'golden light' thing, right? Can't really say I look like him...
I have ALWAYS gotten Bette Midler. Especially after Beaches. I suppose it could be worse. (Bea Arthur???)
Correction: Jews EVERYWHERE watch Woody Allen and eat Chinese on Christmas.
When we first got together, Hubby was John Cusack's TWIN.
We constantly got stopped by adoring women, which was pretty annoying to me, but Hubby ate it up!
Now he shaves his head and the resemblance is gone, but it's fun to remember.
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