I've been getting a number of requests for links lately. (From bloggers who may be called a bit smarmy) And I know that some other bloggers get really upset with the so called scammers. But I don't. Not really. If they ask politely I usually give them a link in the gratis links box. I know the bikini thing was an exception but i gotta say it's more entertaining than the jokes guy. Maybe I should just remove them. I don't know, I'm in a quandary. Maybe I should create yet a 3rd box.
Because others who have asked for link exchanges - and have well written blogs - and I hope they don't feel slighted being in the same box as bikini guy. Here are some of those cool blogs. ( I think I need to move Love Diary over to screenwriters. He never asked for a link. I discovered he linked to me so I added him. )
Mimi Writes...
Girltalk Over Latte
All About My Movies
Reverberating Dream
Love Diary of a Tahitian Barmaid
A Painting A Day
Hanh at Home
The reason I give links to just about anyone is simply because they ask. And this sounds wacky, but I sometimes compare them to homeless people - In a virtual way. Maybe they will find a voice and start posting content worth reading. Whatever. This link giveaway - it's almost a religious belief. Yikes, where is Portnoy going with this? I'm gettin a little nervous now.
It is based on mystical Judaism. When someone asks for money, you give it to them. In many ways this has changed my life. The texts say that giving to the homeless can relieve depression. What's really weird about giving to anyone who asks? When I started doing it, I began by carrying ten singles. And I'd see a homeless person. They'd ask. I give a buck. But here's the strange thing. After maybe 30 bucks, they started to disappear. It's like I can't even find them to give the money away. They are out there. They just don't seem to be in my field of vision like they were. I know, I'm off the deep end. If you want to experiment with the simply giving program and tell me I'm crazy... be my guest. Now I know the homeless aren't dissappearing. But I do what I can to help because maybe one day I will be there holding a sign. Will work for links. (I know. I'm making jokes about the homeless. Wanna know a secret? It's my second biggest fear.)
Reel Hollywood will return after this.
Blog beggars... Most are attention whores and folks trying scam and spam.
The only time I get linked is when someone likes my blog enough to do it on their own accord.
It's best to establish a relationship with someone before lending them any credibilty.
You have a great blog portnoy, don't let these aholes cheapen it.
I like your philosophy, Portnoy. You're giving people the benefit of the doubt. I am a big believer in karma and its retribution ... if you try to put good out there, it comes back, and vice versa. Once you've done your part, the universe will let you know.
(Dying to know what the first fear is, but won't ask!)
Portnoy, I second your philosophy.
When I worked at a studio in Central London there were a number of homeless people I'd give money to. Don't do that I'd be told, they spend it on drink and drugs! Well, if that's what gets them through the day, I'm glad I could help. With my regulars, I'd briefly chat to them, always telling them to take care. Along with the money, most seemed grateful that someone was acknowledging their existence.
And, yeah, if I had had a miserable day at work, I hoped I could add cheer to someone else. The reaason for doing it? Because if things had turned out differently, that could have been me. It could have been any one of us.
When I started Thought Wad, I looked around at other blogs and was amazed at the amount of links some had. Hell, they ran down the side of the screen with no end in site. When I started adding to my site, I was very selective, only adding ones that meant something to me. After five months there are still only 17 links, 12 of which are actual blogs. These are the ones I visit reguarly. Others are simply bookmarked in Firefox.
What I like about new blogs is seeing who they link to and then who those link to. Hopefully it gives an insight into their character. And on top of that, you find little gems you wouldn't have discovered on your own.
Hammer - i appreciate it. i'm pretty cheap already.
good dog - i have seen good bloggers get pretty vehement about this subject. I respect them. and i don't know why, but this little controversy seemed to be brewing on those other blogs, in their comment boxes. and it kept sticking with me. maybe the post is a veil for my pulpit about giving.
caroline, there is a beautiful phrase that I learned from a friend who comes from India. it is called Karma Neutralized. that is when a country, society or individual has paid their karmic debt. cool, eh?
Good idea on the bucks.
Too many times we don't go to a certain neighborhood--e.g. the warehouse district in New Orleans--just because we don't want the beggars to "invade our space."
Why not just accept their presence prepare for them in advance like a toll booth??
I, for one, am tickled to be included with the links to Bathrooms of the World and the bikini blog. I was glad to find your entertaining read being a major movie buff myself (though mostly older films--I'm still trying to figure out who Jessica Alba is). Heck, I'm just starting out at this blogging thing and I appreciate your willingness to link me, in whatever category.
Well I guess I'm a spammer, or an attention whore, whichever one fits I guess. And yeah, a blog beggar might describe me, at least you respect good content. Well I don't really care if you link me or not, but your opinion on my blog would be well appreciated, since I would like intelligent people to give me an opinion on it.
You are more generous than I am. The only blogs that I link to our ones I read. Oh um I reviewed your blog today.
Yesterday, I was going to be up town ( no, not down town, thats what they call it here in the south, Up Town) anyway, I had a feeling someone was going to hit me up for money. Usually near the Art area, there are vagrants and such. Usually I really don't carry any cash. I feel bad when I tell them I havn't any money ( which is true) because they can usually see I'm doing pretty good compared to them. I thought about hitting an atm and putting a couple of bucks in my pocket, but I was late. I decided I would put this can of coins in my car. I had been putting my spare change in this can for about 3 months I grabbed it off the counter just in case, I figure I'll give them the coins. I figure, they don't have anything to do they can spend a couple of hours counting it.
As it would turn out I was at a light and here on the curb with the sign a little old bushy haired dirty guy comes walking towards my car, he stopping at each car window holds up his sign then moves on since I'm a few cars back opps the light changes, people honk, He went back to the curb. I think well its not ment to be. I'm at the university fine arts center all day, no one stops me. Ok I go to the art district to drop off some art, and thats where I see the guy, He's ambling down the road with no real distination. You can just tell he's trolling. But this guy isn't all beaten up, his clothes look pretty good, and he's young.
He stops to talk as I'm unloading my car. He's asking if its Ok to approach, I said sure, he tell me he was staying at this flea bag motel and he's stranded, He usually lives in Ohio but fell on hard times and came here to find work, He got a job on a constuction crew but it doesn't atart until monday. Could I just give him some change, he already has 4 dollars and just needs enough for dinner. I'm telling you this guy is clean shaven well spoken and doesn't look like a vagrant or a homeless guy. I say "well you may not like it, but this should keep you busy for a while,Its all I have, I don't carry cash". I pull out the can and he can tell by the weight its a lot of change.
He's momentarily overwhelmed and asks if he can hug me, I give him a hug tell him good luck. With several "God bless yous" and saying I will surely be paid seven fold, he's off to count his coins. shanm? Maybe. Do I really care. No. That change was sitting on my counter for months. If I helped him, thats all that counts. It doesn't matter the what, why or watever of his intentions.
I think if you have something even if it's only a little, you should consider sharing it.
i had a very trying weekend. Shanti's comment brought me some cheer where little could be found.
You're not crazy. I do it for different, less altruistic reasons. I do it because I'm lazy. For instance, when I found myself having to dig back into the comments section of the backwards baseball cap post over at Zen Wizard's place to guide me back over here to see what was new, bingo, that did it. I put up a link so I could visit with ease.
I don't pay so much attention to who is linking to me. Sometimes it surprises me when I wander onto a blog I've never seen before and find a link to mine.
I'm sorry your weekend sucked. Free linklove is good.
I think the only people I won't link to are porn sites, or Nazi sites, or any other site I find personally offensive for whatever reason.
Otherwise, I remember how hard it was when nobody was linking to me. I remember hoping someone would finally link to me, please, ANYONE! The first people who ever linked to me are really special, in my book.
So if someone asks me, I usually link to them. If that makes me a link whore, so be it. But dang! Don't whores get paid?
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