Before proceeding with the James Gray "Genius" post I wanted to mention a couple Blogger/ Authors who have made my day. And not in the style of Clint Eastwood. Last week was a sort of Sisyphean hell at work. The Studio sent their notes and we spent the week pushing those notes up the hill. (In the James Gray "Genius" post I will relate a pretty funny moment on how Gray handled the notes on The Yards) The picture of Dirty Harry feels appropriate to my feelings on Studio Notes.
Anyway in the sleep deprived haze of last week there were a couple of bloggers who really helped me stay positively charged. So I wanted to salute them now. And I don't care how much of this sounds like a paid advertisement - it isn't.
David Southwell left a very kind comment on the Reiner post. So I found his site and hung out a while. After I read his post called Author In The Bookshop Thing I had to link to his blog English Dreaming, English Rain. I see 9 of his books on Amazon (US). His latest, The History of Organized Crime is available at Amazon UK
After I finished most of his blog (while I was supposed to be working) I sent him an email thanking him for the post he left. An email or two later Southwell wrote back.
As an author, I like to expose myself to as much inspiring, creative material - especially when I am in the grind of putting out a book on a tight deadline. More than once your blog has got my creative juices running and therefore it is me who should be thanking you.
I was thrilled to get that email. For a guy who dropped out of college (in the first semester) that email made my day. Reel Hollywood is here because Eric Clapton inspired me. My inner balance is about creativity.
Then there's the very funny writer who's going through a not so funny thing. Bonnie is in the gravitational center of heartbreak where she has lost some people who were very close to her. We have exchanged some emails since I discovered Ballpoint Wren Bonnie is the woman who wrote "The Very Best Of Miss Snark". You can see it on the Miss Snark Blog. Bonnie's real voice can be found on her blog. It's funny, gentle and engaging. If you know anything about her recent pain this will probably make you cry. Monday Morning Mojo Number 50 Bonnie, it's nice to see you posting again.
So - now I can remove the inner post-it. And (side bar literal) if there's anyone out there who can help with a 3 column template I would be VERY grateful.
David Southwell, Ballpoint Wren, The History of Organized Crime, Make My Day
Thanks for the links to some interesting stuff.
ryc: you did leave a comment re Uncle Monty's car, just not on the page where the photo appeared! So, don't worry, your memory isn't failing
I'm going over soon to check out the two blogs you mentioned. I'm always on the scout for fresh blogs and good writing.
I'm experimenting with a 3-column template myself this week. Go over to bookmemecentral.blogspot.com and see if you like it. Now, if I could just get my regular blogspot to do some of those things! Write if you need more information and I'll help you all I can (but I'm no expert). Have a great day!
"My inner balance is about creativity."
I've never heard it put quite that way. I like that.
Hey, there, Portnoy, I want to thank you so much for this lovely write-up.
I enjoy reading about your adventures in La La Land — did I tell you I grew up in the San Fernando Valley?
Heya Bonnie
I'm glad you found this. I didn't wanna goto your blog and say HEY BONNIE I'M WRITING SOMETHING NICE ABOUT YOU!
snowgirl poo.... thanks.
sal - i gotta read more of your blog.
mimi - you'll like em both I'm sure.
Thank you!
[url=http://pnxwlyev.com/blsv/rpiq.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://pipvonzb.com/dbgr/arla.html]Cool site[/url]
Nice site!
My homepage | Please visit
Well done!
http://pnxwlyev.com/blsv/rpiq.html | http://hnsgaytd.com/upyz/seif.html
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