At an independent production company in Beverly Hills there's an underground garage where the film execs park. I was working on a film. And that afternoon I had an alarm installed on my new car. About 5 pm I'm looking for the installer because he has my car keys. Only I'm parked in Elizabeth Hurley's unmarked spot. Now - I didn't park it there, the installer did. And he left my keys with security. Only I didn't know that either. So I'm in the parking garage looking for my car and its keys. I find the car. I admire it. Then a black SUV pulls up and stops. Elizabeth Hurley gets out of the car. She looks at my car. Without introduction she begins, "That's my spot!. You're in my spot!. Move your car that's my spot!" - this is going back a few years. Hugh Grant gets out of the car. Ms. H keeps her voice at level 7 or so. "That's my spot!" I looked at her and said "I need to find my keys and I'll move my car" But she was like a subway turnstile. Whatever I said didn't matter. "That's my spot!" Hugh stared at the ground as if nobody was there. She raised her voice a notch. "That's my spot" I kept trying to appease her but nothing short of my lifting the car out of her spot was going to do the trick. Finally something clicked. Like the quarter went through the vending slot and she said "Who let you park in my spot?" I told her that I didn't park in her spot, the alarm installer did. "You need to move your car that's my spot" It went on for a couple of minutes. Hugh never said a word. I kept trying to tell her that if I had my keys I'd move the car. Finally a security guard came along and brought my keys. I apologized to her. (because I was in her spot) She gave me a look as if to say I was wasting more of her time and that was that: My run in with Elizabeth Hurley. She was very good looking when she was angry.

I republished this post because the premalink to the original didn't work.
I like the story and wish she would get angry at me someday for parking on her spot!
It seems that you were much nicer to her than I would have been.
HAHAHA that's an awesome story!! I imagine her sounding like a broken record. Doesn't surprise me that she's a nitwit. And Hugh standing in the sidelines. Classic.
Julie - yep. and i was a perfect stranger. and the thing is I coulda BEEN someone. I had dinner with an exec over the weekend and she was "Charming", I'm told. But she was pitching a project to him. (More on that dinner in a new post.)
Cullen, I was in a state of amused shock.
Am I the only one that thinks it's completely frightening that she lost her bird over a parking spot? I'd hate to imagine how she yelled at Hugh after his arrest.
Then again, that's something I'd LOVE to imagine.
you republished because you didn't like my comment I bet...lol
Something about her not being THAT good looking after what Hugh went and did...
No she was still good looking.... I republished, strumpet of self promotion that I am, because I went on to a bunch of celeb newsgroups and left a link to this post... The original permalink gave a 404 page not found. I was getting paranoid that Ms. Liz had some blogger boyfriend who rumpled my permalinks. and not in a good way.
Love to all.....
I love reading proof about celebrities who we always suspected were babies.
And it looks like you got the drop down boxes working nicely, too!:)
One more thing while I'm here. If you link via Mister Linky on my Tell It To Me Tuesday the way it works is that you answer the question on your blog. So you'd write this week about your favorite and least favorite smells here. Otherwise if you wish not to play, you can just leave a comment in the "tip jar". Hope that clears it up!
hi there,
lol...what a story! That's fun..of course now that it's changed to a memory it's fun and I bet it wasn't that fun at that time for you...lol.
Wish you the best.
i'm Lucia of "Lucia Création"
Thank you very much for your message , i'm very happy you like my work ! i don't speak much englih too lol ,
Bravo for Blog , very interesting , i love the cinéma
and ......Rchard Gere !!!!!
Thank's !
Hey, we all can turn on the charm to get what we want, right? It's how one presents oneself in real life, in the parking garages, at the toll booths, in the supermarkets, I think, that really brings one's true character to light.
Shame such a beautiful woman can have such a shallow and screechy demeanor...
thank you for the visit
i'll be back just as soon as i learn to be fluent in French..... Lucia. :)
Janet - I am diggin the drop downs. Thank YOU. I dropped into your tip jar.
Peg - usually old money is much kinder and gentler to the 'little' people. That's a generalization from having worked with both classes. (and i'm a 'little') And in general Hollywood stars are majorly f*&^ed up. Like Lindsay Lohan and her ilk. So you just kinda expect it. i'm not saying you have to take it. i've been fired by some high profile stars.
At dinner the other night the Exec's wife had a slight, i mean slight jealousy over his pitch meeting with Ms Liz. I couldn't think of a way to tell her that there was more beauty in her smile than all of the outward beauty of the Hurley Bird. But I didn't say that - I didn't want her to say, 'Gee thank you for saying I'm not attractive.' Or worse that I sounded hollywood unctuous. If I were woman I could have pulled it off.
And let's face it. spectacular looking women can get away with a lot in regards to shallow and screechy demeanors. Hell, I had no idea if Scarlett Johanssen was a good actress in Lost In Translation. I just stared at her the entire movie. I had to see it again to realize she can act too. but that shows you how shallow i am....
Nice story. Very enjoyable.
Amazing - guess these are one of those things that can only happen in Hollywood (or Lala-land).
I see that you have choosen a flattering pic for Hugh Grant. Nice!
Tag. You're it. (movie meme)
Funny story, Mr. Portnoy!
A long time ago two friends of mine were learning how to sail when the wind blew their little boat into this huge yacht in the harbor.
An irate man leaned over the rail and shouted at them, "You hit my yacht! Get away!"
He kept repeating "You hit my yacht! Get away!" over and over, and my friend kept apologizing and trying to explain how he was new at sailing, when all of a sudden his partner started yelling, "Hey! You're Robert Wagner! Aren't you Robert Wagner?"
The both of them stopped paying attention to what they were doing as they rubber-necked for a glimpse of Natalie Wood... when another gust of wind blew them right back into the yacht.
Both of them said they didn't think much of Robert Wagner after that.
Of course she's a broken record!
She's used to saying something that somebody else made up in a script.
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