I came across this photo that my ( then) 5 year old daughter took. I call the photo "Hostage Barbie" I'm thinking it would make a nice profile. Any thoughts, other than I need to save up for her future therapist....
ps - If you borrow this photo link back here.
Yeah, yeah, go with it. Any shrink worth his or her salt could learn a thing or two from a kid with such a fine sense of fashion. G.
Ha! That's fantastic. Perhaps painter's tape is a fashions trend of the future. An accessory waiting to happen.
maybe if i made a paris hilton doll and had my girls do their tape job we could make t-shirts..... or
being up too late i just thought of Sandra Bernhardt, Jerry Lewis and Robert DeNiro when he, as Rupert Pupkin, duct tapes Jerry Langford into a chair- keeping him hostage until the producers of The Jerry Langford Show let Rupert go on with his comdey routine. If you've never seen The King Of Comedy it's pretty great.
DVD The King Of Comedy
Your daughter was an imaginative genius at five. Hopefully, one day I will have a kid who thinks like that.
That's funny!
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