"Blackened Big Fish: The dark side of Hollywood and the people who thrive there." If, in my current mood, I decided to write one this would be the title of my tell-all. There is a morbid, borderline pornographic fascination with movie stars that with each new headline appears unquenchable. I don't understand the curiosity unless it's used as a comparison that reassures us mortals that our lives are better off as is.
Do we need to know "Mel B hired a witch doctor to get Eddie Murphy back?", that "Keith Urban cheated on Nicole while they were engaged", that "Cris Judd isn't mad at ex-wife Jennifer Lopez?" Do we really need to know that Brittany Spears parties without panties? (Apparently, and according to Google, we do)
Now (those of you left) can point fingers and say I am writing about Hollywood so I'm guilty by association. Perhaps I am. But I have tried to stay in the realm of the positive, the uplifting, the creative. Well, the last month or so, I have gone to the dark side. And this is why there has been a dearth of writing. I suppose 'dearth' would be an exaggeration since it implies a shortage.
I also suppose it's ironic that the day before the largest holiday in the western world I finally had the time to write a post but the subject is not spiked with Christmas Cheer. (That by itself puts a Grinchian smile on my face.)
My instinct says the dark side always leaves a scar so I have stayed away from it for several months. But the Reel Hollywood wouldn't be real without a few stormy nights. And the truth is I do have some scars after this long in the business. On the lighter side I see an end to this particular gloomy night inside of the next two months. The challenge will be to walk on those two coals without getting burned. And the challenge is probably good for the ego. I think it's ultimately cleansing for the soul but not a helluva a lot of fun while you're doing it.
Without names I can tell you I am working for the devil and his mentor-father. They are despotic filmmakers whose fate has propelled them to such heights that they cannot be brought down unless divine intervention prevails. I know it sounds dizzyingly melodramatic but that's Hollywood. And right now these guys are at the top of the heap.
These are snakes appearing as men. With two heads, one can charm while the other can spray venom accurately into the face and eyes of their hires. Their need for acting like mean, unpredictable alcoholics is likely rooted in their insecurity. Their biggest fear, I would guess, is that their peers discover they have no inate talent.
So how did they get there? Beats me unless the definition of inate talent includes the ability to fool masses of people. In that they excel. These are not dumb luck fools. They know how to hire expendable creatives. They know how to talk and act like real filmmakers. The world is their oyster (whatever that means) and people would kill to work with them. Now that's irony.
The good thing (for me) is I don't wish them ill will. My recent go-round left me with a bruised ego and the gut nausea feeling like I wanted to throw up for a day. Had I not offered to walk, things may have gotten worse. (I was later offered an apology by one of the producers) Still these guys are like dead bees - they can still sting and that is where the challenge lies. To walk on the ground barefooted and avoid the deadbees. That means to go in each day not knowing anything based on prior knowledge. Today can be a neutral day or an explosive one.
On the plus side I am being paid top dollar to work with these guys which is Hollywood's way of assuaging its guilt. (If it is possible for Hollywood to feel guilt) Therefore I have only myself to blame. Actually I am being overpaid by my usual fees. And according to my friend who knows these guys - "You aren't being overpaid for nothing."
On the bright side we're gonna have a helluva Christmas. I know, I know.... It's about the spirit of giving, reaching out to old friends, giving to strangers and feeling the love of hummankind. As I write my two girls are seated on the couch and playing together like a couple of angels in the manger. And as god is my witness I hope they never end up in Hollywood.
Happy Chanukah. Merry Christmas. Seriously. Happy Holidays.
All the best back at you, Portnoy.
Good to see you back writing. You are missed when you are not here.
Don't stay in the dark too long. I think your assessment is right on track and you'll get through it without any trouble. Just don't spend too much time rattling around in your own head.
Happy holidays and blessed be you and yours.
Of course it's the season of giving.
Which is why these two unpleasant bon viveurs are GIVING you more than your top rate. Ergo, they give you a nicer Christmas, even though they're still behaving like the spoilt little shits they are.
Glad to see you're taking the positive view.
You know, like I always do... :-O
Fella, have a great time over the holidays and may the two months pass in a blur of unexpected happiness.
Merry Christmas! May this day bring you lots of joy and happiness!
Hope you and your family and friends all have a happy and safe Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dang. That sucks. I'm sorry. My inclination is to say that life's too short for such forays over to the dark side (BTDT) but the fact is, they make pretty good material.
I hope you and yours are having the happiest of holidays. Peace, Portnoy.
there is a dark side to hollywood???
Xunis's Word
Well, I am wondering the obvious, which is who the devil and his mentor father are.
At least it is Hollywood, so you are not contending that it is Dubya and Bush 41. Or for that matter, Pat and Tim Robertson.
Zen, I'm wild with curiosity too! He's teasing us!
Portnoy, reading your blog has been one of the pure, small joys of this year. Don't you ever dare stop writing.
Happy Hanukkah to you too. I hope your gig is over soon.
I do think we try to make ourselves feel better by gossiping over how weird celebs are and the crazy things they do. But we only see the crazy things they let slip in public, not the quirks or oddities the studios pay to hide. There are so many secrets about various movie stars that would probably make the general public cringe. Hang in there and be true to yourself.
Happy New Year! May this year be happy, successful and prosperous for you :)
All the best for you and your family, Portnoy.
great complaint!
happy new year :)
Hey man! Happy New Year!
Happy Holidays Portnoy!
How about, balance things out and write about a fat, hairy Teamster who goes out without underwear on and gets drunk in a bar.
Or a gaffer who is not angry at his wife for running off with the Best Boy...
That would take the voyeurism to the other side of the camera.
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