The theatre ran the trailer for
It scared my ten year old.
Hell it gave me the heeby jeebies

A week went by and I kept thinking how that trailer should not have played with a kid's movie. I called a few friends and asked them if they ever noticed an R Rated trailer in a kid film. They said they had not. I gave it more thought and decided that it wasn't right. I called the MPAA and told them when I saw it, where I saw it. I told them I like movies. I want movies to make money. I work in movies. Two weeks later they called me and said the trailer was deemed objectionable and was pulled.
So - here I am, a moral majority of One experiencing instant gratification in the world of Political Action. It reminded me of the time I worked on a non union film and I reported myself to the union. That motivation to get off the film didn't work. The Union thanked me and told me not to worry about it. You win some.
1 comment:
Good for you - my 10 year olds (twins) would've been scared too...
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