"Excuse me, don't you have some dude on staff who buys guitars for you?"
He ignored my sarcasm and repeated the question. As it happened I was in the guitar center in Sherman Oaks a few weeks earlier and noticed two in their back room. We're talking the very expensive back room where it's so quiet you can hear the hum of money. In that room they hang the exceptional guitars. All pricey. Martins, Guilds, Gibsons and so on. I said, "Actually I do know of a couple at the Guitar Center" He asked me to call and see if they would bring them out to him.
So I was now brokering guitars for Clapton. Did it get any better than that? I called GC and asked them if they still had them. They said yes. One was 8k or so and the other about the same. (A vintage Ramirez can run into the 100k range - we are talking about the guitar played by Andres Segovia)
I asked Eric, "You ok if I use your name with the Guitar Center?" "Sure," He said. I called them back and asked for the manager.
"Um, Eric Clapton is interested in those Ramirez guitars, can you bring them to Paramount Stage M?"
"Gee, I dunno. We're not allowed to bring stuff out of the store"
I said "Guitar Center. Eric Clapton. Get it?"
He said "Hold on, I have to check with my boss."
I repeated ""Guitar Center. Eric Clapton."
He said "Yeah, Yeah, I get it but we aren't allowed, hang on"
To be continued.....
Clapton Part 2
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Clapton, Paramount Studios, Guitar Center